Configure Positive Phishing - Microsoft

How to configure your organisation to support a positive phishing campaign

Positive phishing is about more than just sending out simulated phishing emails; it's about creating a culture of security awareness and collaboration in schools. When staff feel supported and educated rather than penalised, they are more likely to engage actively in cybersecurity efforts, making the school safer for everyone.

You'll need to configure your Microsoft domain appropriately to support the reporting of potential phishing emails as part of your Secure Schools phishing simulation campaign.  

  1. Create a contact for the following email address
    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 12.13.27
  2. Create a distribution list for your users to send our phishing emails to, we recommend something like "" ensure you also enable the following setting
    Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 12.12.05
  3. Add the contact to the new phishing distribution list 
    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 12.16.44