Settings: User email management

Updating and customising your users' emails

Once you have imported your users into the platform, you can customise the preferred email addresses used organisation-wide and individually. You can access these options under the Settings menu.

Manage domains

In this section, you can review the email domains that have been imported for your users and prioritise them as you'd prefer

Settings Domains.png

After clicking the Manage domains option, you will see a list of your users' email domains. In some cases, these will all be the same; however, when multiple email addresses are associated with a user, the priorities you select will determine which one is preferred.


Manage user sync

In this section, you can review the individual user accounts synced with the Secure Schools platform.

Settings User sync.png

After clicking the Manage user sync option, you will see a list of your users with a toggle next to them. To manually select another email address for that user to default to when accessing the Secure Schools platform, you would:

  1. Toggling this off.
  2. Use the drop-down menu under Email
  3. Select the preferred email address.
  4. Reenable the toggle. 

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 08.40.28.png

Please note that when the toggle is off (red), the user will not be able to access the Secure Schools platform